Youth Grades 6-12
This Spring, we are using a Lectionary-based curriculum to look at the weekly Gospel Lesson. We will read, work to understand, and apply the lessons to our everyday lives. For more information, contact Kathy Smith.
Click here for the Episcopal Youth Community of Middle and North Georgia and be sure to follow their Instagram page; The Atlanta Diocese of the Episcopal Church does a great job of providing retreats and other programs for youth.
EYC (Episcopal Youth Community) or Just Youth Group!
EYC is our Sunday evening youth group. All students in grades 6 – 12 and their friends are invited!! EYC is a time to connect, share a snack, play games, and hear (or lead!) a devotion. We meet from 5:00-6:30pm in the Activity Center (unless an off-site outing is planned.) Contact Kathy Smith for more information.
Youth are students who are in grades 6 -12. We encourage all youth to enter fully into the life of the church and seek ways of creating an atmosphere of intergenerational comradery. We do have some programs that are specifically geared towards their age groups.