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We offer worship in a variety of ways with the goal of helping people enter more fully into the life of Christ.


Learning in community to be the hands and feet of Christ with many opportunities available throughout the week.


Serving is the best way to give back through opportunities in the church family and the community.

[trx_title type=”6″ style=”divider” align=”left” color=”#ffffff” image_size=”medium” bottom=”3.125rem”]Christ Church Episcopal[/trx_title][trx_block color=”#ffffff” class=”margin_left”][trx_title type=”4″ align=”left” font_size=”2.667rem” color=”#ffffff” picture=”517″ image_size=”medium” top=”0″ bottom=”2.667rem”]The mission of Christ Church Episcopal is to live, love and serve boldly together in the name of Jesus Christ.[/trx_title][trx_section][trx_highlight type=”0″ color=”#ffffff”]Rev. Richard H. Winters[/trx_highlight][/trx_section][trx_button align=”left” link=”/who-we-are/” top=”2.667rem”]More[/trx_button][/trx_block]
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[trx_title type=”6″ style=”divider” align=”left” bottom=”3.125rem”]Our Pastor[/trx_title][trx_title type=”6″ font_size=”2.666em” top=”0″]

Rev. Winters’ first Sunday as our Interim Priest was June 5, 2022.

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A priest since 1993, the Rev. Richard H. Winters has served parishes of all sizes and in urban, rural, and suburban settings. He has been an area Dean and served on the boards of Cathedral Shelter of Chicago (president), The Anglican Theological Review, Seabury-Western Theological Seminary (secretary), and National Episcopal Health Ministries. He has been a Clergy Associate at All Saints’ in Atlanta since 2016. Father Rich has a passion for helping people experience God as alive and active, working for good in their lives, and for helping congregations grow in faith, numbers, and effectiveness for Christ’s mission. He holds degrees from Duke University, Duke Law School, and Seabury-Western Theological Seminary. For the last ten years, he has been an attorney for the federal government but finds time for interim ministry. Most recently, he served as Interim Priest-in-Charge of St. Alban’s, Monroe, from February 2020 through April 2022.

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